We respect the privacy of everyone that uses our website and make it our top priority to protect your activity while you are here. All the information you provide will be treated with utmost diligence and integrity. This includes the cooperation of all partners and third parties. However, we do not accept responsibility for third parties where this is not stated separately. We find it of utmost importance to protect your rights of privacy on all systems and the sites controlled by us. But we do not hold responsibility for any unauthorized or unlawful disclosure of confidential and personal information by third parties (who are not subject to our control), such as advertisers and websites with links to our domain.

  • Got Colombo collects, stores and processes personal data solely in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions to the extent necessary to fulfill the contractual relationship between the provider and the user in order to provide the requested services necessary. Data about products added to their shopping carts by users can be used by Got Colombo, solely for their own marketing purposes. Address and order data is collected and processed for marketing purposes of store name. In addition, according to the applicable law anonymous user profiles may be used for internal market research purposes and to improve the range of products and services of store name. Personal information includes any information provided by users of website (such as first and last name, address, fixed and mobile phone number) and this may be used to identify an individual. Our domain is secured through technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification, and distribution of data by unauthorized persons. Regardless, it remains impossible to offer complete protection against all dangers and threats you may find online. 
  • This website uses the technology provided by Google Analytics (www.google.com) to collect data for optimization purposes. The collected data is used by Got Colombo to present improved and individualized offers and services to the user on Got Colombo. This data will not be disclosed to third parties.